Problem Addressed
Traditional medicinal knowledge becomes the only option in remote locations due to unavailability of modern medicine. Modern treatments against chronic wounds such as diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, and arterial ulcers may not be always very effective.
The innovator has formulated a unique concoction of certain herbs. This has shown better wound healing
properties than framycetin sulphate-based standard ointments. It is highly effective on chronic wounds,
and heals normal wounds quickly and uniformly.
Societal Impact
The innovator claims that many persons have received treatment for chronic wounds using the
herbal formulation. He practises from his home and also at an Unani hospital in Kulgam. He charges only for medicines and waives off his consultation fees so more people avail of his treatments.
Current status
A review of patent and non-patent literature indicates that the formulation is unique. Validation
tests conducted at Anand Pharmacy College, have shown significant wound healing activity. More
research is being undertaken as required by statutory regulators.