Problem Addressed
In traditional wooden beehives, absconding rates (the frequency with which a colony abandons the hive) are high. Their honey yields tend to be inconsistent.

The innovator has developed a unique clay beehive that maintains a consistent internal temperature through all seasons, lowering absconding rates. The mud hives enhance honey production, and prevent damage to combs during harvesting.
Societal Impact
Clay hives are easily built, and make beekeeping more profitable due to enhanced honey yields. The innovation enables more people to establish apiaries, contributing to the preservation of honey bees. Demand surveys and meetings with village headmen have confirmed that these hives are highly appreciated by the community.

Current status
The innovator has created 42 mud beehives, and shared her method for constructing these innovative hives with other beekeepers. Additionally, incubation under MCLLMP has helped her construct shades, design portable beehives, and conduct honey testing.