Problem Addressed
Creating cotton taper, used in candles and other lighting, is painstaking. The innovator made a manual cotton tapering machine but was unable to use it after losing a hand.
He fabricated a fully automatic cotton tapering machine functional for handicapped persons. It has six motors and a 12 mm iron frame. Four swivels of 25 mm each release four duvets together. A small roller reels cotton into the duvet. In 12 hours, 30,000 pieces of taper are created from three kg of duvet.
Societal Impact
The machine enables disabled people to create cotton taper which enhances their income. It has countrywide potential as taper is required for daily-use items.
Current status
The innovator has set up S.R. Automation, a manufacturing unit in Dasdara taluka. SRISTI has provided him with incubation support.