While working as a technical person at a workshop of rewinding motors, Deepakbhai conversed with local farmers. During this conversation, he learned about farmers’ difficulties spraying pesticides in orchards. Also, it’s done manually by labor and has a high labor cost. He also discovered the unproductive method, shortage of labels, and lack of specialized devices cause high losses to farmers. Looking at these disadvantages, Deepakbhai developed a low-cost tractor-operated hybrid orchard sprayer. First, he made simple pumps, modified them to automatic pumps, and launched them in the market in 2012. The innovator prototyped the sprayer with a tractor of more than 20 HP and 3 HP pressure pumps used for spraying pesticide more efficiently onto the plants at 15 km/h. The drops of pesticides are converted to microparticles using a fan running at 450 to 550 RPM speeds. The range of spray is 1200 ft. The simple spray is 1000 liters, but mostly Anar Spray is more in demand. Simple pumps require ten days, and blower pumps require 15 days to manufacture. They use a high-quality reliance tank and Victor pump in the sprayer. Deepakbhai buys raw materials from Bhuj. This sprayer’s spraying capacity is 1 acre per hour for a specific pomegranate crop, which can vary depending on crop and planting pattern. The innovation was appreciated by many institutions and was used by local municipal corporations for sanitization during the COVID-19 pandemic