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Farmyard manure distributor in the field by Ashikbhai Gani (Gujarat)

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Innovator Details

Ashikbhai Gani from Gujarat innovated a farmyard manure distributor in the field, which can be used to spread the farmyard manure in farms without any labor-intensive work. The Honey Bee Network and GIAN supported his innovation to help scale it up.
Innovator Ashikbhai is dedicated to his innovation, and today he has set up a company named Greenland agro Enterprise. After launch, Ashikbhai and the team have sold up to 185 units and have 30 machine orders. They have a design patent on the name of their company Greenland agro. Manufacturing is continued, and they keep at least ten machines in stock.

Innovation Details

As an innovator, Ashikbhai noticed that if any farmer wants to spread farm yard manure on their farm, they always have to ask the service provider who will come with their tractor, trolley, and JCB with labor. In this process, the service provider makes piles in the farm by picking them up manually from the farmer’s dump site. Further, these piles had to be spread in the field, which is labor-intensive and time-consuming. The main problem was putting manure on the farm. He saw a foreign machine serving the task, but it was expensive for Indian farmers. So in 2017, he made a design that took three years to develop. The prototype was ready in 2018 for testing. We asked a farmer to give us feedback on the problems faced for one year. We did R&D to solve the problems, and the final model was ready by 2019, which they launched in the market. Many experiments were done on RPM, torque, weight balancing, turning weight optimization, etc., before finalizing the trolley compatible with the conventional tractor arrangement. It is 11ft in length, 6 ft in width, and 2 ft in height. 3,300 kg weight of the machine. This is the standard size. It can hold 4.5 tons of wet manure and 2.5-3 tons of dry manure. This machine is attached to a tractor and is controlled by a remote. Machines do not have many maintenance costs. Ashikbhai conducts feedback sessions with the consumers every week to keep track of the issues and setbacks of the machine, if any. The customers are delighted with the product as well as the services provided by the company. The machine was then able to spread both dry and wet manure on the field. This helps farmers in many ways, such as saving precious time, spreading manure uniformly over the field, and reducing labor expenses. The team has 24 people; they only make the Farmyard Manure Spreader machine and distribute it all over India. The cost of the machine is 6,50,000, with a gross margin of 30% and a net margin of 10%. Ashikbhai has applied for a subsidy, which is in the process; the machine has been tested and approved, so the certificate is in progress. With subsidies, their production will increase by 20%. He has successfully sold this manual spreader to many farmers and is getting queries from far and wide for his farm yard manure spreader

मोस्बेट एक प्रमुख अनलाइन खेल सट्टा प्लेटफर्म हो जसले विश्वभरिका खेल प्रेमीहरूलाई आकर्षित गरेको छ। यसमा प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई बिभिन्न प्रकारका खेलहरूमा सट्टा लगाउनको लागि सुविधा प्रदान गरिएको छ, जस्तै फुटबल, क्रिकेट, बास्केटबल र अन्य प्रमुख खेलहरू। यसका लागि, Mostbetले प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई आकर्षक बोनस र प्रमोशनहरूको सुविधा पनि प्रदान गर्दछ, जसले सट्टाबाजीको अनुभवलाई थप रोमाञ्चक बनाउँछ।

मोस्बेटले प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई अनलाइन र मोबाइल अनुप्रयोगद्वारा सजिलैसँग सट्टा लगाउनको लागि सहुलियत प्रदान गर्दछ। यसले विभिन्न खेलहरूको परिणाम र सांख्यिकीलाई विश्लेषण गर्ने विकल्प पनि प्रदान गर्दछ, जसले सट्टा लगाउने क्रममा प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई मद्दत गर्दछ। यदी तपाईँ मोस्बेटको सेवाहरूको लाभ उठाउन चाहानुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंको लागि यहाँ विशेष प्रस्ताव र बोनसहरू उपलब्ध छन्, जसले तपाईंको सट्टा अनुभवलाई अझ राम्रो बनाउँछ।

मोस्बेटमा भुक्तानी गर्नका लागि सजिलो तरिका।​​​ यसले विभिन्न भुक्तानी विधिहरू जस्तै क्रेडिट कार्ड, डेबिट कार्ड र अनलाइन वालेटहरूको सुविधा प्रदान गर्दछ, जसले गर्दा प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई छिटो र सजिलै भुक्तानी गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ। भुक्तानी प्रक्रियाले प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई सुरक्षित र विश्वसनीय सेवा प्रदान गर्दछ। यसले सुनिश्चित गर्दछ कि तपाईँको व्यक्तिगत र वित्तीय जानकारी सुरक्षित रहन्छ।

अन्ततः, मोस्बेटले उत्कृष्ट ग्राहक सेवाको लागि पनि परिचित छ। यो २४/७ उपलब्ध छ र प्रयोगकर्ताहरूका प्रश्न र समस्याहरूलाई समाधान गर्नका लागि तत्पर रहन्छ। यसले प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई सट्टा लगाउने क्रममा कुनै समस्या आउँदा तिनीहरूको सहयोग गर्दछ। यो सम्पूर्ण अनुभवलाई सरल र सुविधाजनक बनाउँछ, जसले मोस्बेटलाई खेल प्रेमीहरूको लागि प्राथमिक विकल्प बनाएको छ।

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