Multiple Fruit Grader Machine

Problem Addressed Building a more efficient and less labour-intensive technology for fruit grading. Technology The multiple fruit grading machine has an adjustable grading section which

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Valved Asthma Inhaler

Problem Addressed Addressing issues with traditional inhalers, Valved Asthma Inhaler tackles synchronization and efficiency challenges. Technology The innovation is a passive asthma inhaler that synchronizes

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Problem Addressed To provide easily accessible and affordable physiotherapy treatment. Technology The device seamlessly integrates cutting-edge 3D joint simulation technology with advanced motion tracking, allowing

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The Honey Bee Network Creativity and Inclusive Innovation Awards (HBNCRIIA) 2024 were held on 29th November 2024, starting at 11:00 AM at the India International Centre, New Delhi. As a key highlight of the People’s Festival of Innovations (PFoI) 2024, the event celebrated and recognized grassroots innovations that address critical societal challenges while fostering creativity and inclusivity. The awards honored innovators whose work has the potential to create significant community impact and beyond.

In collaboration with Amazon, GIAN (Gujarat Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Network) spearheaded a nationwide campaign to source innovative ideas from across India. The campaign garnered an overwhelming response, with 2,500 entries submitted from diverse regions during 2023-24. After meticulous evaluation, 120 ideas were initially shortlisted based on creativity, feasibility, and potential impact. Following regional meetings and further reviews, 33 ideas were selected, and 15 finalists were recognized at the award ceremony.

Award Winners and Highlights

– First Prize (₹5 Lakhs):
Shri Suneel Singh from Kistwar, J&K, a former soldier turned farmer, for developing a new walnut variety (“Suneel SI”) with a reduced tree height (25 ft vs. 50 ft traditionally). This innovation increases yield, starts bearing fruit in just three years (compared to eight traditionally), and offers premium-quality soft-shelled walnuts.

– Second Prize (₹3 Lakhs):
Shri Samirbhai Ghani from Banaskantha, Gujarat, for creating a farmyard manure spreader that evenly distributes both wet and dry manure, reducing drudgery and improving soil fertility.

– Third Prize (₹1 Lakh):
Md. Ishfaq Ahmed Wani from Anantnag, J&K, for inventing a branch clipper to secure fruit tree branches, preventing damage from hailstorms and snowfall.

– Appreciation Awards (₹50,000 each):
– Twelve grassroots innovations, including the Automatic Feed Machine for Differently Abled Persons by Nabajit Bharali and impactful solutions like Golden Feathers and Fasal Amrit, were recognized. (Detailed list available in Annexure 1.)

Jury and Dignitaries
The esteemed jury, chaired by Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, included prominent figures such as Prof. Bharat Bhaskar (Director, IIM Ahmedabad), Prof. Dhar (Director, AcSIR), Dr. M.N. Patel, Prof. Udai Desai (Former Director, IIT Hyderabad), and other faculty members from premier institutions like IIMs, IITs, IISc, as well as leading investors and practitioners.
Awards were presented by Dr. R.S. Paroda, former DG ICAR, in the presence of Dr. Renu Swaroop (Former Secretary, DBT), Dr. Swati Basu (Former Scientific Advisor, Office of the PSA), and Prof. Anil Gupta, founder of the Honey Bee Network, GIAN, SRISTI, and NIF.
Key Remarks
– Dr. R.S. Paroda highlighted India’s transformation from a food-deficient nation to a food exporter, crediting innovations by scientists and farmer innovators. He emphasized the importance of policies like PPFVRA in preventing biopiracy and called for creating a “network of networks.”
– Dr. Renu Swaroop likened the collaboration between grassroots and deep-tech innovators to rivers merging into the sea of knowledge and innovation.
– Anita Kumar, representing Amazon Community Impact (APAC), reiterated Amazon’s commitment to fostering global innovation and empowering grassroots innovators for a sustainable and equitable future.
– Prof. Anil Gupta underscored the rigorous review process behind the awards and emphasized that the event marks the beginning of a sustained journey to support grassroots innovation.
Outreach and Future Plans
According to Dr. Anamika Dey, CEO of GIAN, the campaign received entries from 28 states and 4 Union Territories, covering 226 districts. GIAN and the Honey Bee Network will continue to provide voice, visibility, and velocity to grassroots solutions.
Entries are now open for the 2025-26 HBNCRIIA Awards, which aim to create opportunities for grassroots innovators to connect with investors, policymakers, and technical experts.
About GIAN
GIAN (Gujarat Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Network), established in 1997, was India’s first incubator for grassroots innovations. Supported by the Gujarat government, SRISTI, and the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), GIAN has nurtured hundreds of grassroots innovations. The organization is committed to promoting affordable, inclusive solutions that address societal challenges.

Contact Information:
📞 Phone: 9537574742
📧 Email: ceo@gian.org
For entries: hbncriia@gian.org

मोस्बेट एक प्रमुख अनलाइन खेल सट्टा प्लेटफर्म हो जसले विश्वभरिका खेल प्रेमीहरूलाई आकर्षित गरेको छ। यसमा प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई बिभिन्न प्रकारका खेलहरूमा सट्टा लगाउनको लागि सुविधा प्रदान गरिएको छ, जस्तै फुटबल, क्रिकेट, बास्केटबल र अन्य प्रमुख खेलहरू। यसका लागि, Mostbetले प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई आकर्षक बोनस र प्रमोशनहरूको सुविधा पनि प्रदान गर्दछ, जसले सट्टाबाजीको अनुभवलाई थप रोमाञ्चक बनाउँछ।

मोस्बेटले प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई अनलाइन र मोबाइल अनुप्रयोगद्वारा सजिलैसँग सट्टा लगाउनको लागि सहुलियत प्रदान गर्दछ। यसले विभिन्न खेलहरूको परिणाम र सांख्यिकीलाई विश्लेषण गर्ने विकल्प पनि प्रदान गर्दछ, जसले सट्टा लगाउने क्रममा प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई मद्दत गर्दछ। यदी तपाईँ मोस्बेटको सेवाहरूको लाभ उठाउन चाहानुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंको लागि यहाँ विशेष प्रस्ताव र बोनसहरू उपलब्ध छन्, जसले तपाईंको सट्टा अनुभवलाई अझ राम्रो बनाउँछ।

मोस्बेटमा भुक्तानी गर्नका लागि सजिलो तरिका।​​​ यसले विभिन्न भुक्तानी विधिहरू जस्तै क्रेडिट कार्ड, डेबिट कार्ड र अनलाइन वालेटहरूको सुविधा प्रदान गर्दछ, जसले गर्दा प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई छिटो र सजिलै भुक्तानी गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ। भुक्तानी प्रक्रियाले प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई सुरक्षित र विश्वसनीय सेवा प्रदान गर्दछ। यसले सुनिश्चित गर्दछ कि तपाईँको व्यक्तिगत र वित्तीय जानकारी सुरक्षित रहन्छ।

अन्ततः, मोस्बेटले उत्कृष्ट ग्राहक सेवाको लागि पनि परिचित छ। यो २४/७ उपलब्ध छ र प्रयोगकर्ताहरूका प्रश्न र समस्याहरूलाई समाधान गर्नका लागि तत्पर रहन्छ। यसले प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई सट्टा लगाउने क्रममा कुनै समस्या आउँदा तिनीहरूको सहयोग गर्दछ। यो सम्पूर्ण अनुभवलाई सरल र सुविधाजनक बनाउँछ, जसले मोस्बेटलाई खेल प्रेमीहरूको लागि प्राथमिक विकल्प बनाएको छ।

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