Problem Addressed
Immense effort is needed to strip the tightly-attached lint from the shell of some
cotton varieties like Kalyan-V 797 and G-13,grown in Gujarat and some dryland areas. This
task is performed mainly by women and children.
Cotton shells are fed through a suction mechanism. They are run through a series of rollers and removed by abrasion. Lint is collected through an outlet. Shells and waste are stored in a tray. Eight people operate a “jumbo” model, raising output to 1,600 kg/hour compared to 25 kg/hour done manually by one worker.
Societal Impact
This machine has eliminated child labour from this lack and lowered the school dropout rate among children of cotton farmers. It processes higher quality, cleaner cotton, fetching Rs. 6,000 per tonne. The cost is reduced from Re. 1 per kg to Re. 1 per 20 kg.