Problem Addressed
Traditional bukharis (heating systems) may cause lung infections, breathing problems, and carbon monoxide poisoning. Their cost and maintenance prove challenging, with charcoal or fuelwood being burnt inefficiently.
Firewood is placed on a preheating tray to dry for cleaner burning, and ignited through a door above.
The heat generated is distributed evenly across the room. Around the rim of a copper water tank are
vertical rods containing a heat-retaining indigenous clay. The room is heated evenly, from 0 to 20 C within five minutes. Flue gases warm up the water to be used for various purposes. The innovators have also modified it to be used as a stovetop.
Societal Impact
The Advanced Portable Bukhari remains warm for a longer time using less fuel. This three-in-one
model is capable of burning charcoal, wood, and waste oil, the latter being almost smokeless.
Current status
They were awarded by the NIF for their previous innovative bukhari, which has been improved in this
version. They established Rafiq Innovations Pvt Ltd. for manufacturing and marketing their innovations.